Murree Weather 15 Days Snowfall: A Brief Guide


Murree is a Hill station in the Northern part of the Punjab Province of Pakistan. It is approximately 70 Km away from the country’s capital namely Islamabad. It snows here in the Winter. That is why many tourists visit this city especially to see the snowfall. However, since a tip to Murree from far-off places of the country costs heavily on the pocket, the tourists are interested in knowing Murree’s Weather 15 Days Snowfall data before visiting it for the same purpose.

Murree’s Climate

The climate is defined as the average temperature and other weather-related parameters of a particular place all year around. As a result, there are different permutations and combinations possible and Meteorologists use different terms for all such climates. Murree’s weather has been classified as Subtropical Highland Climate under the Koppen Climate Classification. Below is a general, season-wise depiction of Murree’s weather :

1. Winter in Murree

Winters in Murree are cold and snowy, with average temperatures ranging from -1°C (30°F) to 5°C (41°F). Snowfall is common, and the town remains covered in a blanket of white snow for most of the season. However, we emphasize here once again that before setting off on an adventure to enjoy the Snowfall in Murree, the tourists must take a look at Murree Weather 15 Days Snowfall data so that their money is well spent for the cause.

2. Summer in Murree

Summers in Murree are relatively cool and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 15°C (59°F) to 25°C (77°F). Rainfall is frequent during the summer months, and the town is often shrouded in fog.

3. Monsoon in Murree

The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to Murree, with average monthly rainfall exceeding 250 mm (9.8 in). The town’s lush greenery is at its peak during the monsoon season.

4. Autumn in Murree

Autumns in Murree are mild and colorful, with average temperatures ranging from 10°C (50°F) to 20°C (68°F). The town’s foliage takes on a vibrant hue of red, orange, and yellow.

See Also: Murree Weather Snowfall 2022: All You Need To Know!

Importance of Monitoring Weather

Weather monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing data about the atmosphere to understand and predict weather patterns. It is an essential activity for a variety of reasons, including:

Public Safety

Weather monitoring helps to warn people of potential hazards such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. This information can save lives and property.

Economic Activity

Weather monitoring is important for many industries, including agriculture, transportation, and energy. Farmers use weather data to plan their planting and harvesting schedules. Transportation companies use weather data to plan their routes and avoid delays. Energy companies use weather data to predict demand for electricity and natural gas.

Climate Research

Weather monitoring is essential for understanding climate change. Weather data can be used to track changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables. This information is used to develop climate models and to make predictions about future climate conditions.

Impact of Snow on Daily Life Activities in General

Snowfall has a grave impact on the everyday life of the residents of hilly areas. Its impact is of both positive as well as negative kinds, by virtue.

Positive Impact

  1. Snow attracts tourists to hilly areas, which can boost the local economy. Ski resorts, snowshoeing trails, and winter carnivals are all popular winter activities that draw visitors from around the world.
  2. Snowpack acts as a natural reservoir, storing water that melts in the spring and summer when it is needed most. This is especially important in areas that rely on snowmelt for irrigation and drinking water.
  3. Snow provides insulation for plants and animals, helping them to survive the cold winter months. Snow also provides habitat for certain species, such as snowshoe hares and ptarmigans.

Negative Impact

  1. Snow can make it difficult or impossible to travel in hilly areas. Roads can be blocked by snowdrifts, and icy conditions can make driving dangerous. This can disrupt essential services such as emergency medical care and food delivery.
  2. Snow and ice can damage power lines, causing outages that can last for days or even weeks. This can be a major inconvenience, especially during the winter months when people rely on heat and electricity.
  3. Snow can damage crops and livestock. This can lead to food shortages and economic hardship for farmers.

What Causes Snowfall?

Snowfall occurs when a combination of factors creates the right conditions for ice crystals to form and grow in the atmosphere. These factors include:

Moisture in the Air

Water vapor in the air is essential for snow formation. Water vapor can enter the atmosphere through evaporation from water bodies, transpiration from plants, and sublimation from ice and snow.


Uplift is the movement of air masses upwards, which causes them to cool and expand. As air cools, its ability to hold water vapor decreases, and water vapor condenses to form water droplets or ice crystals. Uplift can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Fronts

 Fronts are boundaries between air masses of different temperatures and densities. When a warm air mass meets a cold air mass, the warm air rises over the cold air, creating uplift.

2. Mountains

As air flows over mountains, it is forced to rise over the peaks. This can create an uplift that leads to snow formation.

3. Storms

Storms, such as thunderstorms and hurricanes, can create strong updrafts that lift air into the atmosphere.


Snow formation requires temperatures to be below freezing (0°C or 32°F). As air rises and cools, it eventually reaches a temperature where water vapor condenses directly into ice crystals, bypassing the liquid phase.

Ice Nuclei

Ice nuclei are small particles in the atmosphere that act as a surface for ice crystals to form. These particles can be dust, pollen, or even salt from the ocean. Without ice nuclei, water vapor would have to cool to very low temperatures before it could form ice crystals.


Snowflakes need time to grow and fall from the cloud. If the air is too warm or the clouds are too shallow, the snowflakes may not have enough time to grow large enough to fall to the ground.

Prediction about Murree Weather 15 Days Snowfall

Prediction about Murree Weather15 Days Snowfall is important for those tourists in particular who wait for the whole year to see the snowfall live. We are living in a digital age and finding such information is not hard. It can be accessed from any reliable Weather website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it possible to check 15 days of weather data to predict snowfall?

A: Yes, it is possible to check 15 days of weather data to predict snowfall beforehand.

Q: Is weather data reliable?

A: The answer to this question depends upon the source that you are consulting with. Good source data is usually reliable.

Q: What are some good sources for weather data checks?

A: Accu-weather is a good source to check on weather forecasts. There are many others available as well.

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About the author
Hussain, a seasoned mechanical engineer by profession and a travel enthusiast at heart combines his technical mind with his passion for travel. He co-founded 'Explore Murree' to share his deep knowledge and love for Murree's natural splendor and cultural heritage.

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