Is Murree in Punjab or KPK?


Murree, a renowned hill station, famous for its mesmerizing landscapes, has often been a subject of curiosity regarding its provincial jurisdiction in Pakistan. It has been an age-old debate whether Murree falls under the province of Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Within this text, we will dissect this matter, exploring the geographical dimensions, along with administrative aspects and historical context to ascertain whether Murree belongs to Punjab or KPK.

Geographical Location

Murree is a hill station at a comfortable altitude of approximately 7,500 feet (~2,286 meters), forming part of the outer Himalayas. It enjoys a strategic geographical location in the Himalayan foothills at 33 54′ 30″ north latitude and 73 26′ east longitude, nestled within a mountainous area that comprises four major supers. This hill station epitomizes the serenity and beauty of nature with its abundant greenery and panoramic views, earning it the reputation as a summer resort for escaping the plains’ blistering heat.

Historical Importance

Historically, the construction of the town began in 1851 as a sanatorium for British troops. Strikingly, the name Murree, or Mari in the Punjabi language, is considered to indicate the highest point or high place. It may be a predominant reference to Pindi Point, which is one of the highest places in the surrounding areas. Functioning as a summer resort in the country and a tehsil of district Rawalpindi, Murree is a year-round attraction acknowledged for its cool summers and snowy winters. Thus, its strategic geographical location, beautiful natural landscapes, rich history, and overall importance as a tourist destination ensure that Murree continues to hold a special place among tourists and locals alike.

Is Murree in Punjab or KPK?

Murree is a mountain resort town located in the Pir Panjal Range within Rawalpindi District of Punjab, Pakistan. Its elevation is 7500 feet above sea level making it a popular spot for tourists. It’s known for its scenic beauty filled with dense forests, green hills, and pleasant weather throughout the year, especially compared to the rest of the region.

Murree is approximately 30 km northeast of Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, which greatly boosts its attractiveness for local and international tourists. The town itself was originally established during the British Raj in the mid-19th century, and much of the architecture reflects that period, which adds to its charm.

Urban settlements like Rawalpindi and Islamabad, located in the Punjab province, fall under direct access to Murree. Hence, due to its geographical location and the administrative jurisdiction under which it falls, we can confirm that Murree is not in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) but in the Punjab Province of Pakistan.

Why Does it Matter?

Here are a few possible reasons why it might matter whether Murree is in Punjab or KPK:

1. Governance and Legislation: Different provinces have their own local government systems and set their own provincial policies regarding different matters. For example, different governments make different policies regarding tourism, taxes, economic development, health regulations, and more. Also, the regulations set for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses by the Punjab government would be applicable in Murree since it is in Punjab.

2. Cultural Differences: Each province in Pakistan has its unique culture, language, traditions, and way of life which greatly impacts local tourism and the experience of visitors. The languages spoken, traditional foods, festivals, and clothes might vary from province to province.

3. Development and Infrastructure: The province’s government is responsible for the infrastructure and development projects of cities within their jurisdiction. The provincial Government manages the quality of roads, availability of public services, and transportation facilities.

4. Tourism Policies: Pakistan’s provinces each have their own tourism policies and manage tourist sites within their region independently. This can impact things such as opening hours, charges, facilities available, and maintenance of the tourist spots.

5. Security Situation: Policies on law and order come under the ambit of different provincial governments. Hence, the security situation could be different in Punjab and KPK, which directly affects the tourism industry.


Hence from the above discussion, we can conclude that Murree is in Punjab’s geographical bounds as well as the jurisdiction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What provincial laws and regulations apply to Murree given its location?

A: Given that Murree is in Punjab, the provincial laws, regulations, and policies set by the Government of Punjab apply. This covers areas like tourism, economic development, health regulations, and more.

Q: Does the cultural context of Murree align more with Punjab or KPK?

A: As Murree is located in Punjab, it shares the cultural aspects typical of this province. However, it’s important to note that Murree, being a tourist town, boasts a cosmopolitan flavor with influences from various cultures due to the diverse range of visitors it hosts.

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About the author
Hussain, a seasoned mechanical engineer by profession and a travel enthusiast at heart combines his technical mind with his passion for travel. He co-founded 'Explore Murree' to share his deep knowledge and love for Murree's natural splendor and cultural heritage.

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